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: الآن الثورة الحقيقية هي الحب is a Chinese phrase that translates to “Nowadays, the true revolution is love” in English.

This phrase expresses the idea that in the present time, love holds the power to bring about significant and transformative change.
It suggests that love has the potential to create a positive impact in society, fostering understanding, compassion, and unity among individuals.
It emphasizes the importance of love as a driving force for societal transformation and harmony.

This phrase emphasizes the idea that the subject or the situation being discussed would endure or remain for the entirety of a person’s life. It conveys a sense of permanence, suggesting that the thing being referred to is long-lasting and significant.

“Pour cela durerait toute une vie” is a French phrase that translates to “For that would last a lifetime” in English.

Also, this phrase represents the idea that love has the power to bring about real change in today’s society. It emphasizes that the power of love, which can foster understanding, empathy and encourage unity in individuals and society as a whole, can bring about real change.
This phrase emphasizes the importance of treating others with goodwill and consideration, and conveys the message that society can be moved in a better direction when people respect and support each other.

This phrase is based on the idea mentioned earlier, The real revolution now is love.

It shows that love is not a temporary thing, but a valuable element that lasts throughout life.
It is said that love has the power to withstand time and hardship, can bring people together,
and can bring lasting joy and happiness. This phrase conveys the message that love is worth a lifetime and
its power plays an important role in people's lives.
We believe that love creates change and brings a lifetime of joy and happiness.

In the context of the previous discussion about love and revolution,
this phrase could be used to emphasize the enduring nature of love and the belief that love has the power to bring about lasting change. It suggests that the impact of love and the revolution it represents will extend throughout one’s lifetime, making it a meaningful and enduring force.